Senin, 12 September 2011

Healthy Foods To Eat At Night | Healthy Foods To Eat

Healthy Foods To Eat. Eating healthy is not always easy. We said we would eat better, and we can sit for a while, but never succeeded. Just try to eat healthy, there are many crazy diets that looks interesting, and quickly produce results (initially), but ultimately unsuccessful.

Modern diet is not about following the prescribed diet. This is a new way of life. In short, eat your food and put in a nice way to feel good when you lose weight. Remember, eating healthy is never the sole factor for health and weight loss. You should always have a balanced diet with the least amount of training (I aim for 3-4 times a week, 30-60 minutes of exercise per session).

We present some examples of healthy foods to eat to help you structure your diet. 
We're not just going to list the "fruit" and "vegetables" because everyone knows that eating healthy should be part of the diet.

Nuts - peanuts Although some fairly high in fat and calories, you need a way to include them in your diet to find. 
They are rich in fiber and nuts (like walnuts) contain omega-3 fatty acids are healthy for your heart. Several studies have shown that field beans a day will help you lose weight and maintain the reduction.

Soybeans - Although many carbohydrates and fats, soy is an excellent source of protein, essential amino acids, fiber, calcium and other nutrients. 
Often used as a meat alternative for vegetarians (the main ingredient for tofu), soy should be part of your healthy diet.

Sweet Potato - This is good because it bring out the unique flavor and powerful antioxidant effects. 
They are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, copper and fiber. It is always good to have something healthy in your diet that tastes good (but stay away from sweet potato fries!).

Yogurt - is rich in calcium cream is a favorite food to eat much. 
If you eat yogurt, fresh, feel free to get some chopped fruit and / or muesli with tasty treats to prepare for the add. Watch out for some yogurt are high in fat and calories. There are some good taste, low fat, low-calorie yogurt, to find them.

Fish - Fish, such as soybeans, a source of protein (especially for vegetarians who eat fish). 
Besides fish protein, many (such as tuna and salmon), rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help you to lower your cholesterol, protect your heart, fight cancer and more. In preparation for a good fish (roast or grill pan is not!), For treatment, both healthy.

As you can see the healthy food with a modern diet is not about choosing a set of strict rules (like "no carb" or "no candy"). 
Moderation is key when it comes to some of our guilty pleasures, but it is important to mix in things that you like, you are still interested in your diet. If you do not enjoy your diet, you will eventually go back to how sick you are, and can return the lost weight.

Enjoy your food, but more importantly, enjoy life!

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