Jumat, 09 September 2011

Healthy Eating Menu Plan | Healthy Eating Menu Week

Healthy Eating Menu Plan. Eat 'Nude' foods: foods in their natural state.

We all know how important it is for the right amount to get fresh food every day, especially fruits and vegetables. There are so many choices and the abundance of all kinds of fresh produce to choose from.

Every day we are reminded to prepare everything from vegetable and fruit intake we need to take a 5-7 serves every day. 
This is to ensure we have enough vitamins and minerals in food we have. The reason why it is important for fresh fruit and vegetables is that after the knowledge that many studies have found that in general, they can increase the risk of heart disease, some cancers and some chronic diseases such as diabetes.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are low in fat and a source of natural fiber. 
Cooking and preparing food without all the toppings, for example, add butter, margarine, salt or sugar, will cut the unnecessary fat and sugar without adding calories. You might be surprised at how delicious flavor unique fruits and vegetables can really ... try to eat as soon as possible instead of sitting around the fridge.

To make them even more delicious and value of natural foods such as raw fruits and vegetables to maintain a do not try to prevent boiling. 
Ideally, ship or microwave vegetables. If you cook vegetables in a pot you do not have a lot of water, only a few inches from the ground to do good. It is important not to forget, after preparing toleave they are not open to the air and light, or they do this, you will be away from all the valuable nutrients to dissolve.

So, when cooking and preparing the next meal you think about avoiding making glass honey carrots with added fat of butter and sugar in honey (both natural) and must avoid sugar-sweetened fruit sauce. Go clean the other hand, will keep your body and you will save a lot of calories!

By adding salt, you can reduce the risk of running water retention increases, so the salt can not miss if you're really desperate why not a little pepper or lemon juice to add.Experiment and you will see the benefits of fresh naked!

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