Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Healthy Eating Guidelines | Healthy Eating Guidelines For Teenagers

Healthy Eating Guidelines. Guidelines for Healthy Eating

What you eat is the most important factor in weight loss and do not know how much is really hard. There is so much conflicting information out there, often driven by the author's own agenda.

With so much confusion, the easiest thing to do is nothing. 
Keep doing what you do and keep piling on the pounds. But I know it's not what you want.

So here's the top 10 guidelines for healthy nutrition that will help you lose weight quickly and permanently.

1 - Serving size is the key

Reducing the amount you are the easiest and fastest way to lose weight. 
You do not have to think about trying new foods and new recipes to detect, only your portion size by 20% and you will lose weight. A good starting point in your journey.

2 - Eat foods low in GI

Low GI foods are foods with low glycemic index which basically means that they also help keep blood sugar levels, stop the addiction and support you more. 
This tends to carbohydrate raw / complex like most fruit, vegetables, beans, wheat, bread wheat, whole grain pasta and brown rice.

3 - Snack Food Between!

Eat healthy snacks like fruit, nuts, seeds or wheat crackers with hummus mid-morning and afternoon. 
This helps to keep blood sugar levels and keep them even Dips classical energy you want something sweet and fattening.

4 - Balance Your Plate

A plate is balanced for weight loss will consist of 50% and / or vegetables, protein 25% and 25% complex carbohydrates. 
For your dinner plate, not just eating, and follow healthy eating guidelines.

5 - What is a protein with every meal

Research has shown that combining protein-rich foods with a slow-burning (complex) carbohydrates to burn fat best.

Good sources of protein include fish, white meat with no fat, duck, beans, lentils, nuts, eggs, nuts and seeds. 
In fact, nuts and such links, because they combine protein and complex carbohydrates.

6 - Reduction of refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates like white bread, white pasta and white rice, quick release and high GI carbohydrates. 
This limit and go for whole grain breads, like whole wheat bread, wheat pasta and chocolate (preferably basmati rice) rice instead. This will help to lower blood sugar and even your support for much longer.

7 - Pick & Choose

Want to buy food, you should compare and contrast the food label to find healthy choices. 
Looking specifically kcal (calories), sugar and fat and make sure you are comparing apples with oranges.

8 - Watch out for hidden calories

We all know that things like biscuits, crisps and fizzy drinks are very caloric. 
But what about, instead of soft drinks such as squash, low-fat or light option (often full of sugar), fast food and alcohol? All of this should be examined when trying to lose weight.

9 - The Leading Life is full of color!

The combination of foods with different colors will supply more, speed up your metabolism and burn more fat. 
Make sure the colors of the rainbow on your plate and includes foods such as garlic, garlic and green onions are also very good for you.

10 - Drink plenty of water

Yes - I know you heard it before, but 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day is very important to drink a healthy weight. 
Basic water for all bodily functions, including the burning of fat.Water, herbal and fruit tea / infusion is an ideal drink to go.

So, 10 on healthy eating guidelines to help you lose weight, live healthy!

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