Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Health Food | Health Food Tips

Health Food. Food is very important for health. Proper nutrition is very good for health. Each person has their own choice. Some people love pizza. Some people like hamburgers. Some people love ice cream. But you can not use pizza, hamburgers and ice cream all the time all the time. You must also fruits, vegetables and other foods. Water is also very important for your body. Food, anything eaten to satisfy appetite and to meet the physiological needs for growth, to maintain all body processes and to supply energy to maintain body temperature and activity. Because these foods are very different in the amount of nutrients they contain, they are classified by composition and the sources from which they emerged.

In the United States, interest in health food and nutrition began to increase in 1970, who joined environmental and organic farming movement. Since then, demand for organic and natural foods grown along with concerns about the potentially harmful effects of chemical supplements and nutritional value of processed foods. Health food industry high

More cases of organic foods, organic foods grows. 
While other world standards, organic food is generally produced without the use of irradiation, growth hormone herbicides, antibiotics or synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Organically grown foods are usually cultivated by the method of manure and compost, and alternatives to control pests and weeds. In the United States, concerns about the labeling and certification of organic foods led to the Federal Law on Organic Food Production 1990. In 2002, the National Organic Program was established to provide specific national rules on production, processing, and labeling of organic products to manage.

Studies show that organically grown foods contain much higher levels of essential minerals to supplement compared with conventional power plants. 
In addition, a study by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that cultivation can be used in organic farming could have long term benefits, including the top layer of soil protection, better water quality, and population of healthy control harmful insects that damage.

Although there is no official definition for natural food terms, generally refers to food that has undergone minimal processing and contains no artificial additives or ingredients.Nutritionists often refer to food in general. 
Processed foods typically contain less nutrients than whole foods. Refining wheat into white flour, for example, can remove more than half of the vitamins, minerals and fiber. Terms and natural foods such as wheat, raw sugar, molasses sulfured, whole wheat bread without preservatives, and cereals.

Food supplements contain substances that add nutrients to the diet of individuals. 
They cover a wide range of products, vitamins and minerals for plants, amino acids, and enzymes. 
Supplements taken by mouth in various forms such as tablets, capsules, liquids and powders.

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