Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Health Food Recipes | Health Food Recipes Easy

Health Food Recipes. So you can get healthy food recipe? First, what is healthy food? Eating without meat? No!Foods with a low or no fat and no sugar or high salt. You can eat meat, you do not have to be a vegetarian to be healthy.

Let me give you the benefits of eating low-fat meat. Brain around the human body uses.60-70% of the available energy from the body at any given time. The brain runs on proteins, such as cars that run on gasoline. Meat contains many proteins, so it is good to eat meat, but with other foods, you need to know your limits.

This is a short list of healthy foods and healthy eating.

Healthy Foods

* Food battered and fried

* Sweet soda

* Lunch meats

* Chips Oily

* White bread and refined pasta

* Most canned spaghetti and ravioli

* Cereals sweet

* Chicken fried frozen fish sticks and corn dogs

Healthy Foods

* Green and brightly colored vegetables

* Dark leafy green salad

* Fresh fruit and berries

* Lean turkey and chicken

* Nuts, dried fruits and healthy snacks

* Wheat breads and pasta

* Healthy cooking oils like canola and olive oil

* Grass eating beef and silver

* Oily fish cold sea water

* Low-fat milk or soy beverage

* Nuts, seeds and nuts

Foods that are closer to their original state, the better for you. 
Fresh fruits and berries are great and the desire for sweets to satisfy. Whole vegetables have lots of vitamins and minerals, so choose more green vegetables, orange and yellow. Steam them to retain the most nutritional value and be careful with sauces, they are high in calories and fat is not good for you.

Shop for lean meats and fish of course. 
Omega-3 essential fatty acids in fish are often lacking in our diets, so serve seafood two or three times a week. Grilled fish and chicken are healthier than fried, and lean meats like bison or elk healthier than higher fat beef. Processed lunch meats, hot dogs, bacon, sausage and a lot of waste you do not want in your body, but if you like meat, find healthier versions sold at health food stores.

Stick to your main water and soft drinks to a minimum. 
If you are tired of plain water, add a slice of lemon or lime juice to add a touch of flavor to add. For kids, try some fruit juice with carbonated beverage counter. 
Some herbal and green tea can add significant benefits to your health, but avoid too much caffeine.

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