Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Questionnaire Healthy Eating | Questionnaire Healthy Lifestyle

Our body needs water more than ever before. The recommended daily intake is 64 grams. The majority of the higher glass of about 12 grams and about 20 grams of individual plastic bottles. It is known that 75 percent of people suffer from chronic dehydration. And watch out! Severe dehydration. Lack of water is the number one cause of daytime fatigue. Even mild dehydration will slow metabolism as much as three percent. Only a 2 percent drop in body water can cause fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and facing a computer screen.It is important to drink water even before we feel thirsty, because thirst is an indicator that we have and dehydration. Many people carry their offense still hungry, and about 37 percent of us do this constantly. A glass of water close midnight hunger pangs for almost 100 percent of the diet, participating in the study.In addition, preliminary studies indicate that 8-10 glasses of water a day significantly reduces back pain and joints up to 80% of patients.
Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent, plus reduce the risk of breast cancer by 79percent, 50percent and a lower risk of developing bladder cancer. Water to clean the skin and flushes impurities we're better than other cosmetics. No negative side effects of drinking too much water.For some, the water clear. A little lemon slices to go that far. Currently, some drinks company, has continued - and water taste, with a different color, and interesting bottles.While the white water is always the best choice for health, water, taste can cause glass to glass to measure the daily needs, said a spokeswoman for the clothing to drink.

There are many brands available at this time the feeling of water and vitamins necessary too. Some of the bottles, but can be substituted for a bottle of dextrose.So for a drink or not drink? Drink. Drink plenty of water for a healthy lifestyle.

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