Jumat, 09 September 2011

Healthy Snack Recipe Ideas | Healthy Snack Recipes For Weight Loss

Healthy Snack Recipe Ideas. What causes obesity?

The cause of obesity is simple. If you consistently take in more calories than you burn, your weight. By measure, 3,500 calories equals one pound of weight, so that excessive intake of only 50 to 100 calories per day will produce a profit of 5 to 10 pounds over one year. As a result, relatively small imbalances between input and output of energy causes significant weight gain over time. It will not happen with normal healthy snack recipes. In fact, most obese children showed increased weight slowly but consistently over the years. The best way to significantly affect the prevalence of obesity is to prevent it.

Prevention of obesity.

Here are five recipes healthy snack suggestions or ideas to help you maintain a normal weight. 
If you've checked your BMI falls into the category of overweight or obese, these tips can help you lose weight from time to time.

Do not become addicted to junk food.

These children are not likely to have more children than in the past to eat. 
Indeed, in many cases, they eat less. This is what you eat that creates problems. Healthy snack recipes packed house consisting of carrots, ham sandwich on wheat bread, apples, and money for a carton of milk, 2 percent were not pleasant when the hamburgers, the order of the media, chips, and twelve-ounce cola are offered at the school canteen. Many children go to a burger without a second thought.

Stay active.

Dance or a piece of dance, cycling, walking or flying a kite! 
Did you know that you burn 300 calories in one hour by dancing, walking, roller skating, swimming and even bowling for one hour at almost the same amount of calories to spend. Strong activities such as skiing, tennis, handball, or cycling to burn calories even more. Carpet defeat at 900 calories. The point is to get moving! Make exercise part of your daily routine.

Do not eat the center of your life.

Many people eat just to eat. 
This is something to do when we get bored and eat a mixture of activities. How often you will be friends for lunch or a pizza joint meeting?Although this is a way to keep in touch with the people, can lead to calorie overload. If your food is not a prescription for a healthy snack and you just eat what others eat. Meet your friends in different locations or in the park, where you can socialize without food becomes the main attraction.

Turn off the television and computer.

Getting away from the television or computer gives you time to take a more active interest and reduce the amount of time that you are manipulated by advertisers Press advertisers genius for us to get something and buy goods, including high-calorie foods, we do not want or need.

Take time to learn about nutrition and health.

Serious about eating the right things on a regular basis is the best gift you can give yourself. 
Read food labels in supermarkets and fast food companies to monitor the site to see what is really the food that you like to eat. Think of people who suffer from diabetes, heart disease or stroke. Define the problem in your life to avoid .. 
As an advocate for healthy snacks to eat the recipes in your family and among your friends.Dealing with your life.

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