Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Staying Healthy For Kids | Healthy Life Tips

Healthy Life Tips. Very often we think if we are not smoking, not drinking too much, eating exercise, a healthy and getting enough sleep, take care of themselves mentally and emotionally and get a check-up that we reserve the right to live long and healthy again.

Unfortunately it's not easy. Health risks increase with age and may lose our freedom, and suffer from chronic diseases. So we must be extra careful.

Statistics show that healthy behaviors can prevent or control the influence of many diseases and lifestyles that have the greatest influence on how long you live. 
Did you know that if you do not smoke, your risk of some cancers, heart attacks and lung disease to reduce, have better circulation and improve the taste and smell you? Did you also know that if you limit your alcohol there are many diseases, physiological and social problems that you just can not get? One drink per day for women or two drinks per day for men was enough - and not every day.

It is also important to eat well. 
Diet and exercise go to eat healthy foods to give your body what it needs. Finding the food, the foods you are sensitive or allergic, food is not pumped with carbohydrates, not protein, too much can affect the kidneys and adrenal glands, and stay away from sports drinks. Briefly, full of fruit and vegetables, whole grains and some meats. Also remember every 30 minutes a day or three hours a week practice while being chased. The advantage is the preservation of a healthy weight, better sleep, more energy, less stress, anxiety and stress, improve immunity colds and other illnesses help for arthritis, bones and muscles, the lower the risk of diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, hypertension, colon cancer and fewer visits to the doctor. But it is important to have a routine, such as blood tests, pap tests, breast scans, etc. should be something that could happen to detect unwanted.

Also make sure you get enough sleep. 
Usually 7-8 hours a night and try to have a regular schedule. Do not eat or drink before bed. Do not forget to exercise too close to bedtime.

Remember the mental and emotional health is good. 
Depression, stress, and disasters will also make you physically ill. Talk with your doctor about your concerns for your health and they will refer you to the best people to help you.

Do not forget to stay active physically and socially as it is good for the soul and brain.Brain teasers and puzzles that are good for training your brain. 
Take a college night classes, go to the personal development workshops, and learn to meditate, go to yoga or Pilates. A fun activity for the social activities that interest you, such as book clubs, dance or just socialize with friends to find a fit. Maybe volunteer and help others like them. 
Its all good for active young people to keep some quality of life has to offer.

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